Probably the Best CEO in the World

I’m so happy this day has come, the day in which I hear a CEO of 800 employees say to me things like:

  • ”Can you make sure they stop that horrible habit of working at night or over weekends?”
  • “Can you help them work smoother without so much stress?”
  • “We grow really fast but it isn’t worth it if my team is exhausted and fatigued”
  • “I don’t care how many hours they work, if remote or not, I just want good quality of work and service to our clients”
  • “Can we cut down our turnover rate to 1%? I don’t want anyone in my team to leave for my competitors”

And this went on and on with many other beautiful quotes that proved to me that this CEO is interested in his team’s well-being not an inch less then he cares for the company’s business goals. He understands that without the teams’ passion and enthusiasm for work, the business results don’t matter, that the only way to keep growing is by making sure the team is fresh, vital, enjoys life, enjoys the journey of creating, serving and bringing value.

Together, in a 2 day workshop, we did just that:
gave clarity, built digital and analog workflows, put order into automations and made time for leisure, sports and much more.

I’m truly honored to be able to do this for teams, especially when they are so funny and fun like this one:
Talks and Workshops

Wishing us all more and more great wise CEO’s

Bat Hen

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